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Visitor Induction & Information

Read important information for new truck drivers and visitors to the terminal.

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Truck Driver inductions

Before using the terminal, all truck drivers need to complete VICT’s online induction, via 1-Stop, to be granted access to the site.

You will need a valid MSIC that you’ll bring to the terminal. Once the online induction has been successfully completed in 1-Stop, it may take up to 24 hours to activate. There is no need to contact the Terminal to activate your card, as this is completed by 1-Stop.

It is also recommend to view the Truck Driver Instructional video (Insert link) to understand how to use the facility before you enter. This will help explain the traffic flow and the processes of our terminal.

Visitors to the terminal

All visitors must bring photo ID and sign in at the security hut. Access to the security hut is via Empress Road, Port Melbourne. Further instructions will be given by security in a short induction once you arrive on site. Allow 15minutes for the visitor induction.

If you are heading out on site, you will need to follow safety procedure and be wearing correct PPE (personal protection equipment). It is a requirement all personnel have steel capped boots, long sleeves and long pants. You will be issued a helmet, safety glasses and high visibility vest by security. This is to ensure your safety and those around you.

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